Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Next To Dos

There is really just so much that I want to write about, reflect, log down and share, especially since summer is coming to a close. The thing about having so many activities and things to do everyday is that life becomes a fast blur. Everyday, coming home tired and needing to sleep to wake up for work again just prevents the process of thinking, learning and appreciating what has happened. 

I really wanted to blog about my Europe trip in June but I haven't even had time to sort out the photos from the trip in Lightroom. And then about the then upcoming (now present) Conjunct project I'm working on, then about the little awesome things that happen, such as the love I see growing in my girls' SG, and all the really interesting events that have been happening. There have certainly been many challenges, especially in relationships, but this isn't the platform to write about that just yet.

These are the significant events that have occurred this summer and I do want to log them down. I know every time I say it, I will just forget it. So I will not think too much and just get down to writing them this week before school begins! 

1. Europe Trip
2. Conjunct Project
4. Meetup with a dear old friend - Ena
5. Extended Leaders Retreat 
6. Turning 21 & My Birthday Party
7. 10S55 2014 Reunion - Growth & Maturity
8. Frost & Sullivan Internship 
9. Garden Festival
10. Big Picture Workshop
11. Trampoline Park - Weightlessness & Fears
12. Shine Kids 

I have quite a few things to do today first, which is to sort out my photo library and clear memory space on my phone, tidy up my room, and to spend some time just resting and asking God about a lot of things. And planning the CF camp game, which Marcus has already given me all the resources to help me with! (:

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