Monday, May 19, 2014

VJ Guitar Perfect Fifth 2014

I returned to VJC for Perfect Fifth on Tuesday (14/05/2014). It's the third one I've attended ever since I graduated from JC and I certainly felt old stepping back there! During the past 2 years when I visited the campus, whether for an event, concert or open house (only in 2012), I still felt like I knew the place, but that feeling's completely gone now. Nonetheless, it was fun seeing my fellow alumni and then watching the current guitar ensemble perform! In addition, I had a nice dinner at Thaipan with a mix of people across 3 batches. I'll be posting quite a number of photos because there's time to do so right now.

VJ Guitar managed to achieve a full house this time round and I could see the fun they were having during the concert, certainly, with the style of Mr Gaspar, the conductor! The senior ensemble even managed to do an rendition of Let It Go from Frozen and it was impressively arranged by their student conductor. Their technical skills as an ensemble have the potential to be improved vastly, but I'm honestly glad that they're having more fun rather than stress! The small group pieces were cute and they had very entertaining antics such as wearing shades to act cool, having 3 people play the same guitar with one person singing and kicking a cajon simultaneously

Senior Ensemble
Crazy Antics - Playing a guitar behind one's back
3 People, 1 Guitar - Tristen is singing and preparing to kick the cajon

I snapped the three photos above using my iPhone and they're actually not bad, considering the distance I was from the stage! The last one is definitely noisy because I zoomed in. Next up, the fun bits are in having some fun after the concert!

Best place to take a picture together - Outside the PT
Audrey Yew - Awesome to have her as a dear sister in Christ, and also a fellow guitarist! No one can tell our age gap. Right? :D
All alumni that visited
Selfie with the fun people
In addition, I saw with my very own eyes, for the first time, all the colourful paintings that have been applied to the walls, doors, and even the pavement in the campus. It does make the campus look brighter and more fun, though painting minions on the walls outside the classroom does make it look like Victoria Kindergarden instead of a JC. 

The reason why I treasure my VJ Guitar days so much is simply because I was there for the fun and to play the guitar. It's also because of guitar, that I'm where I am now, thanks to a fellow guitarist that convinced me so well to choose SUTD over other universities. Here, I learnt to be determined and to press on even if my skills weren't the best. I learnt how to lead a section properly and build relations with people - something that I couldn't do that well in TMS Choir. I felt the pride and joy when we unexpectedly managed to retain the Gold award for SYF, despite the odds against us, and despite personal barriers like breaking a nail on the crucial finger right before we went up to play (I used my second and fourth fingers to pluck instead of the usual second and third). Lastly, I met interesting friends and inspiring musicians right there.

I shall end off this little recap and reflection with a picture of the painted pavement, which actually captures the lyrics of the entire school song. Nil Sine Labore!

Thy triumphs see and victories we share yet

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