Monday, September 29, 2014

SUTD Week 3 (The Start)

Right now I'm on bus 14 on the way back to hostel from the Conjunct mid point presentation at the hub. It's been a pretty tiring and dissatisfying day in school in terms of academic lessons - Probability Simulations is tough to understand. On a brighter note, my interview for the winter IAP at MIT went pretty well, and I'm thankful for that! 

So that's some context as to how my day has been. I sometimes feel tired and inadequate, especially after spending almost my entire weekend doing things related to ministry, unrelated to self improvement in school, but I ultimately realize that it's not something I should be comparing about, but I am thankful for all these opportunities to give back to God in a tangible way. 

On a funny note, this is the photo we took in the gym last Monday, after we all ended up there without planning to!

Chunyong actually exercised! HAHAHAHA and his motivation was the IPPT. 

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