Thursday, December 17, 2015

YMPACT Inside Out 2015 Reflections

So many things have happened since my last post, and this whole year. It's really flown by like a bullet train. But instead of trying to play catch-up in posting, I'm just going to post about what has been going on most recently - Ympact's 2015 youth camp, titled Inside Out! Yes, for 4 days and 3 nights I actually slept on the floor in church, got covered in mud, and ran around like old times! 

Day 1 began with TOFU - The Orientation For U, organised by the 15 year olds every year for the incoming sec 1s. It began with station games within the church building in the morning, and then we headed to Pasir Ris Beach for lunch and more. It was heartening to see the current 15 year olds working together, organizing an event together for the first time. That day, the weather was pretty much bipolar, raining and stopping multiple times. As my camp group reached our third station, it suddenly started to really pour, and we took shelter under a pavilion together with the stationmasters, some TOFU team members and some Camp Comm members. The rain and wind poured madly, even masking the sight of Pulau Ubin across the sea. 

In this day, my Systems Engineer brain kept acting up, silently thinking of how the flow, design and instructions could have been done much better and how they probably didn't have an OCD-type person checking these factors. But halfway through, it struck me that they were only 15, and probably never done such events before. And really, this was a great opportunity to learn so many things! Not just about event planning, but to learn to trust God that His work can still be done even when things don't follow our human plans. In addition, it wasn't difficult to see that their TOFU team was having a blast by themselves, bonding as a batch. It brought back memories of my own TOFU planning experience in 2008, as well as the two camps I had been in Camp Comm for. 

So as the rain poured, we continued to play "2 Truths, 1 Lie" and then "2 Lies, 1 Truth," then eventually "I Have Never" and "I Have". It was really hilarious and that helped everyone break the ice. I smiled, thanking God that the youths were still able to bond and have fun despite the station games being cut short. Thereafter, I the rain actually stopped and we were able to play the mass game! For this, I sat it out for legit reasons. Anyway, the rain made the terrain really terribly muddy and part of the telematch involved rollin' in the deep. Despite the mud, they really bonded over it. Isn't that what dirt does?

The TOFU Mass Game

Bonding in Mud (:

The highlight of the second day was the mass games at Time Park. Once again, it rained here and there, making us wait a lot, but we managed to play all the games in the end. In mud, once again! Here's where we really got to bond as a group, both while waiting for the rain to end and while playing the games themselves!

Jon and Kyle's Humorous Explanation
Group 10, aka Team Pi

Day 3's highlight was the trip to Pulau Ubin. It wasn't as crazy as the Ubin trip we had in R.A.W. Camp in 2008, but nevertheless fun! In 2008, I remember walking around so much on the island to complete an amazing race game.

On board the ferry with Sam Wong's group!

[To add more soon about Ubin (:]

Now, let's talk more about the serious stuff!
This camp's theme is on Discipleship, and the speaker for the camp was Rev Christopher Chan from Chapel of the Resurrection. That's Joshua Cheong's church's youth pastor! I must say that he does speak very well. Not surprising seeing that he was a pureblood ACSian.
So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God - John 6:67-68
The speaker opened each session by quoting the camp theme verse. On the first night, he opened with asking the youths "if things don't go your way, would you still follow God?" and "if God's teachings don't fit into your idea of God, would you still follow Him?". That really follows from the context of theme verse where many of Jesus' followers besides the Twelve deserted him after saying that a particular teaching was a 'hard teaching'. We see here that Simon Peter saw that Jesus had "the words of eternal life" and thus stayed. Ps Chris then started to explore the idea of 'eternal life' and what it was really about. It can't really be that we live forever, status quo as we are now. No matter how nice our lives are, there's some things you wouldn't want to face forever. Essentially, eternal life is explained in John 17:3, which states "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent". The word 'know' actually refers to an intimate relationship, like how 'Adam knew Eve' in Genesis. Well then, the only logical follow up was to reflect on why one studied (or worked) so hard in the present and whether that got in the way of having a relationship with God. Well, this is easy to state but we all do know what a struggle it is to follow God's ways rather than our own desires.

The second session on the second night focused on the cost of discipleship, essentially being explained in Luke 9:23 and Matthew 16:24 - to deny oneself and take up one's cross. Denying the self means surrendering the idea that "I am king over my own life" to letting God's words take charge. With that, the idea of a "living sacrifice" from Romans 12:1 was explored, showing that we are the sacrifice that doesn't die. It's really a crazy idea, if you think about it. You're constantly putting yourself on the altar for life as worship is to be done through our lives and how we act, not just the moments where you think you are saying praises to God. What struck me was that God's grace trains us for obedience, and isn't just a present for us. We see that grace without transformation in our characters is wasted, but when we are touched by this grace and decide to walk in God's ways, that totally changes.

And then all that led up to the last session, about community and the body of Christ. He opened the session with describing how the attitude in the modern church has become very individualistic, with people coming from the perspective about whether things fit them or not, and that their individual walk with God is all that matters. Well, we do know that many aspects of our discipleship is individual, but some are meant to be communal as our lives are best lived shared. John 17:20-23 showed how Jesus prayed for His disciples to have unity like how the Father and Son had it. This would then become an expression of Jesus being the son of God and eventually enabling the disciples to reach out, especially when others begin to notice something intriguing - that there's 101 things that we could all fight and disagree over, including the way we do things, our characters, status and all, but the body can still stand united. With that, he talked about the importance of building this unity.

That night, I felt a conviction to talk about spiritual friendships with my camp group. I honestly thought I had almost no spiritual friends. But that night I realized that we all do have spiritual friendships (in Christ) with one another, and it's just how superficial or how deep it goes, much like how you would classify normal friendships. Friendships are usually built around something. If two people like to play soccer, they could bond over playing that and talking about all things soccer. Same for activities like dancing, art, music, ... There's just something that acts as the medium for friendships to grow. Now, what about spiritual friendships? That would be friendships centered on Christ. When you think about the church community, think about why two people here could even be friends in the first place. It's really because of God, isn't it? And so on for every permutation and combination of connections here. What makes these relationships so special then? I believe that there's more than just a normal friendship because we would care for each other's soul, their walk with God and all. Of course, these would all be on different levels. We would probably have deeper friendships with some, where we would really support each other in more personal problems and all. There would be some where we wouldn't share much to that level, but know that we can trust each other for some sort of support. Thus, there should be more to a friendship here than the usual ones we have with our schoolmates and colleagues. 

I thank God for this community and for showing me why it is worth staying. I almost walked away when I was 15, but then various opportunities to know my peers better, and the care that some older leaders bothered to show kept me here. I mean, when you're 15, you're pretty much skeptical about religion and like, "whatever" to most things, right? I think I was considered a good kid in the world's definition of morality but concurrently didn't really care much about God. I think I never really got any super deep spiritual friends here, but I do have many friends that I can count on. It's only when I went to SUTD and had a second Christian community there, that I realized what I had been missing out on. But it's still not too late, and I believe that many others feel the same way here too.  

On the last day, Jon Goh actually shared about something very similar and why he's still here despite most of his 1994 batch having left already. 

Our Community
The YMPACT community, and the wider church community is truly precious. We actually define ourselves by many labels, many groups and organizations we belong to. It's easy to see what these are just looking at all the t-shirts we wear - school shirts, CCA shirts, house shirts, marathon shirts. We want to be known as a certain arrtibute that defines a certain group. It is also true that many friendships are formed over a certain objective, such as trying to perform for SYF together as an ensemble, or perhaps to finish a project together. It's great when friendships are made this way. But not all last, sadly.

As Jonathan Goh shared his testimony as to why he's still in this community despite his batchmates having all left one by one, and how he would want to wear the badge of Christ over any other. I too, have had very similar experiences and do belive that God is working in our community to deepen friendships made in Him and to inspire us to fight for the faith of our fellow brothers and sisters. After all, we are not on this journey alone. We are on a journey of faith together! (:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Finally Some Fun!

Went for karaoke with Delphine and Yi Sheng at Teoheng, singing our lungs out for 3 hours straight - that was amazing. 
Caught the Avengers second movie with Yi Sheng and Chia Wu after that at Plaza Sing - breathtaking!

I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Honestly. I mean, I do always try to enjoy the things I do in school, but it has come to a point where I have lost many things because of the busyness. 

In between the two activities, Yi Sheng, Delphine, Rui Hong and I walked around Plaza Sing, looking for a gift for her sister's 16th birthday, and for simple window shopping. We laughed and acknowledged it's really quite rare that we would go window shopping with our SUTD friends, not because we don't like it, but because we're always stuck in school. On some level, we do know each other a lot, given the times we see each other. But the times we have fun outside of school is really little. And if you never crossed paths with the friend outside of class for fifth row or some other event, getting to know each other is harder. But that's just how it is as we get older, I reckon. 

Had pretty cool conversations with them, and especially Yisheng after I discovered he sings Japanese songs in the karaoke because he took Jap as a subject for 6 years. Which Delphine and I laughed and said we "discovered his secret" today. Carefree, lighthearted days are here for a week! 
In our conversations, I came to remember and reminicise that there were a few things I really wanted to do  but couldn't master them 
• The Japanese language
• Piano :( 
• Swimming
I may have lost myself somewhere along the line these years. Rerpressed? 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why I'll take this artsy fartsy thing

You seem very annoyed by your Objective Narratives HASS. You even considered dropping it. Can I ask you about it?

Sure! I'd like to know why too!

So what is it about this HASS that annoys you?

Well, for one, it's so abstract and I fear that I won't do well in the subject.
Also, I feel that I might be wasting one HASS module slot, where I could be learning more skills to deal with people (like Orgs & People), or skills to better understand how society works. Things that would be useful in the workplace. 

How does that concern you?

I just don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time since time is precious.

And how does that affect you? Are you just worried you won't do well? Do you think what you'll learn in this HASS isn't useful?

It makes my mind actually think for itself and formulate abstract opinions that only certain people care about. 
I think I'm a rather practical person that runs ahead with things. 

What if I told you that these exercises would train you in "how you analyze art, composition, meaning, and it also trains conceptualisation skills, how you think about a topic, represent it visually, communicate" (Ian).

Yeah! I think these are things I'm lacking in - standing my ground and being daring to conceptualize something out of my own mind, rather than adapting to others' opinions and going with the flow. 

So can you get over the fact that learning this is not inferior to learning about the more "practical" things?

I think I can. THANKS HAHAHA!


So I just had a conversation with myself, using the little technique Jane taught us during Collab class to use when trying to find out the underlying values or themes of others. It's supposed to avoid the "why" question to avoid getting you into an emotional cascade and missing the point! It's more about "how do you feel about it" and "what about it affects you?".
I was quite bemused when Chun Yong shared with us a conversation he had with himself during the last day, and I somehow just had this with myself because I was seriously considering changing HASS subjects! Still a bit uneasy, but let's see how this goes! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

MIT Winter IAP Day 10

Killian Court, the MIT Dome

It's Day 11 at Winter IAP! How time really flies no matter what you do. It's the middle of week 2 and I have yet to record down my thoughts and all. There's really so much to do, so much to see, so many people to talk to and all. MIT is a really exciting university, albeit it's ancient looking walls.

I really did intend to blog almost everyday, but I can see that's not really working out! But I'm thankful for the chance I have to be here, and the (little) skills I possess with my 70D. At least when I look at Lightroom, I will be able to recall what happened!

Here's how my timetable basically looks like:
My own IP timetable
I'm pretty glad I switched out of How to Train Your Robot, for Forces Frozen and Fixed Wing Aircraft. Because of that, I can have at least my week 3 afternoons empty, and I will be able to explore the rest of Boston while there is still sunlight! I'm thankful for the friends I have grown closer to throughout this trip. Generally, the people with the same classes as me are Ben Lee, Kevin Neo, Michelle Loke, Sarah Mao. And there was Clifford the week before. And I usually see Sharlene, Chunyong, Kenneth Cheah and Zhiling. I have no idea where the other 30 IAP-ers usually are! More about our classes and travels soon (:

This trip has been enjoyable, and I'm liking many parts of the American class culture will. More about that soon too, since I probably need to write a post about that for my Collaboration Across Cultures team blog!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Winter IAP Day 0


Departed Singapore at 5.45 am, reached Hong Kong 3 hours later, transited there and reached Chicago 14 hours later. Waited 5 hours and got on a flight to Boston, which took 1 hour 45 minutes. 

The flight was pretty good - managed to watch The Maze Runner and Grease on the two flights respectively, and got 5 hours of sleep on the long haul flight! Watched a bit of "How to build a better boy," which is a Disney channel original from a few months ago. Good laughs. anyway, we touched down in Boston at about 9pm and were totally relieved to finally get to the hotel! 

Shall be blogging about more interesting stuff soon (:

Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Tribute to an Inspirational Teacher

Last night, I was deeply shocked to hear of the passing of one of my ex-Temasek teachers, Mr Terrence Yeo, from Facebook. He suffered from a brain hemorrhage and left all of a sudden. Most of us, his ex students and friends were evidently deeply shocked as he had still be active till today, climbing Kota Kinabalu last weekend with students, running the Iron Man marathon a few months ago and all. 

Although Mr Yeo never taught me directly, he was a really inspirational figure back there in TMS, always going the extra mile to help students, especially in physics. I remember when the O levels were coming near, Peishan looked for him for physics help, in panic cause she didn't understand it at all, and he patiently helped even though he wasn't 4/2's physics teacher (Heh, I remember him jokingly ignoring me, saying I was too smart with physics already hahaha!). Even after leaving TMS, I would occasionally see all his posts on FB about his marathons and other things, and they were always adding value to the lives of others. He left TMS after 2010 to be the VP of Queensway, but was never far from us ex-Temasekians with all this social media.

As I scrolled down all the posts by his old friends and students, one thing that struck me was the impact he had on the lives of everyone he interacted with - posts about him being a family man and mentor to so many, to keeping his relationships with ex students and meeting them to help them in physics for A levels and university physics during his own spare time... He's a fine example of someone who saw value in the greater things in life as an educator and his goal was always to create positive impact and not about the career of a teacher or principal in itself. Knowing how much admin nonsense and things that MOE teachers have to do (from first hand accounts of my friends), I'm amazed At his dedication to do everything he did through his passion for teaching. This is a reminder to me, to us, who will be growing up and leaving university soon, that life is transient and even the healthiest and fittest person cannot be certain that this life won't end when you least expect it. 

Temasek Graduates of 2009 <3

Grad Night 2009, Mr Yeo (far left)

Mr Yeo, I pray that you are in a better place now and for angels to be protecting your family and young children. I pray that they will live with the inspiration and legacy you left behind and when they get older and understand, they can know who you were better through all the recollections posted by everyone today. Thank you for your life and believing in your students :')

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 9 After Midnight Musings

I need strength to do this. I know I can. God please grant me a clear mind and some productivity! 

My Ballsrolling supply chains game group just left, and now it's time to continue tying the Org Proc group essay together. I really don't want to sleep so late, but this has to be done! One major thanksgiving I have first though, is the friends I have made here in SUTD, especially while in ESD and living in hostel. The other is for the spiritual feeding from CF, being mind blown about more and more things about Christ through Genesis every week. And of course, for the occasional times I get to play floorball and exercise, like today.

As tiring as Uni life is, I don't want it to end! (:

YMPACT Inside Out 2015 Reflections

So many things have happened since my last post, and this whole year. It's really flown by like a bullet train. But instead of trying ...