Wednesday, January 14, 2015

MIT Winter IAP Day 10

Killian Court, the MIT Dome

It's Day 11 at Winter IAP! How time really flies no matter what you do. It's the middle of week 2 and I have yet to record down my thoughts and all. There's really so much to do, so much to see, so many people to talk to and all. MIT is a really exciting university, albeit it's ancient looking walls.

I really did intend to blog almost everyday, but I can see that's not really working out! But I'm thankful for the chance I have to be here, and the (little) skills I possess with my 70D. At least when I look at Lightroom, I will be able to recall what happened!

Here's how my timetable basically looks like:
My own IP timetable
I'm pretty glad I switched out of How to Train Your Robot, for Forces Frozen and Fixed Wing Aircraft. Because of that, I can have at least my week 3 afternoons empty, and I will be able to explore the rest of Boston while there is still sunlight! I'm thankful for the friends I have grown closer to throughout this trip. Generally, the people with the same classes as me are Ben Lee, Kevin Neo, Michelle Loke, Sarah Mao. And there was Clifford the week before. And I usually see Sharlene, Chunyong, Kenneth Cheah and Zhiling. I have no idea where the other 30 IAP-ers usually are! More about our classes and travels soon (:

This trip has been enjoyable, and I'm liking many parts of the American class culture will. More about that soon too, since I probably need to write a post about that for my Collaboration Across Cultures team blog!

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