Thursday, May 22, 2014

SUTD Term 5

On Tuesday, at 5pm, the results for Term 5 were released on MyPortal. There I was, on the train on my way to one-north, almost forgetting about the release of results till 20 minutes before 5pm, when my whatsapp started buzzing with people saying that results would be out soon. The train was pulling through Buona Vista when I logged into MyPortal ... and I got the shock of the day!


Term 5 has really been one of the best terms in my entire SUTDent life so far! Not just because of the results, honestly, that's a real added blessing and bonus, but because of how the entire process was. It was a term where I know made it through with the love and assurance of God, no matter how tiring things were. That sweet assurance of waking up each day remembering Christ's love for me, mornings and evenings of talking to Him, resting in reading His word and remembering all that as I did my work and projects. Things weren't perfect, and I'll admit that it's really really difficult to battle the sin of pride and wanting to rule over my own life, absent of God, but through the struggles and encouragement from seeing how others walk this journey, I'm assured of Romans 8:28, "and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose," and my hope is to be aligned with His purpose, no matter how much of a struggle it is. The study of Romans this term has been really a blessing and Romans 5 is the chapter I hold close to my heart!

One thing I've learnt from the people around me this term, especially from the friends I've been working on projects with together, is how gracious and generous one can be to fellow friends. That's a very practical way of showing love in friendships. Especially in small things like treating each other to food, extending good opportunities to others, helping others buy takeaway food, and simply not being calculating in one's behaviour. We often forget that when we think about ourselves and what we deserve because of our own efforts, that we deserve exact fairness. But the small things count, and if we have the means to love another in a practical way, why not! Jesus did that too in His life here in both big and small things like feeding the 5000 and turning water into wine (without the host knowing). All these had eternal purpose, but on the level of loving others, that definitely constitutes as showing love! And if we can't even love our fellow human, how can we say that we love God?
That is what I've seen through living life on campus, despite being stuck there and doing so much work everyday!

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