Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Finally Some Fun!

Went for karaoke with Delphine and Yi Sheng at Teoheng, singing our lungs out for 3 hours straight - that was amazing. 
Caught the Avengers second movie with Yi Sheng and Chia Wu after that at Plaza Sing - breathtaking!

I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Honestly. I mean, I do always try to enjoy the things I do in school, but it has come to a point where I have lost many things because of the busyness. 

In between the two activities, Yi Sheng, Delphine, Rui Hong and I walked around Plaza Sing, looking for a gift for her sister's 16th birthday, and for simple window shopping. We laughed and acknowledged it's really quite rare that we would go window shopping with our SUTD friends, not because we don't like it, but because we're always stuck in school. On some level, we do know each other a lot, given the times we see each other. But the times we have fun outside of school is really little. And if you never crossed paths with the friend outside of class for fifth row or some other event, getting to know each other is harder. But that's just how it is as we get older, I reckon. 

Had pretty cool conversations with them, and especially Yisheng after I discovered he sings Japanese songs in the karaoke because he took Jap as a subject for 6 years. Which Delphine and I laughed and said we "discovered his secret" today. Carefree, lighthearted days are here for a week! 
In our conversations, I came to remember and reminicise that there were a few things I really wanted to do  but couldn't master them 
• The Japanese language
• Piano :( 
• Swimming
I may have lost myself somewhere along the line these years. Rerpressed? 

YMPACT Inside Out 2015 Reflections

So many things have happened since my last post, and this whole year. It's really flown by like a bullet train. But instead of trying ...