Saturday, October 11, 2014

1 Red, 2 Yellows

Something really mysterious happened today during worship practice! I didn't bring my yellow soft guitar pick because it wasn't in my wallet today, and I was using the harder red pick. It made my left hand cramp a bit maybe because I'm not used to the stiffness. Halfway through I sat down at the drums and put the red pick into my pocket, and when I returned to my guitar, I was holding a yellow pick and found a second one in my pocket 😳. Which made playing totally better after. No more hand cramps because of the appearance of the soft yellow ones!

The strange thing is, the red pick totally disappeared and on it's place are two yellow picks! And the red one never left my hand or pocket till it disappeared. And I thought my pocket was empty before the practice!

VERY INTERESTING! Maybe God knew I needed the soft pick and He swapped them 😂😂😂

Here's an update: 
The yellow picks look like ones I've used before. Maybe they had been in the shorts pocket and washed together. But the interesting thing is the timing! Cause I didn't find anything in there before practice and then the red one disappeared and I couldn't find it even after overturning my pockets during practice. 

And the red one suddenly reappeared a while after I got home when I reached into the pocket again! O.O

Miracle or not, I think the timings and appearances of the picks is really cool! Cause I feel that through this God's reassuring me He knows my needs my needs and provides in His timings! And He knows what I need at the exact times. Praise God! 😄

I've been feeling super fretful about work this week because I truly had bad writers' block for my HASS Essay on Organizational Design. It took me a really long time to finish it and I submitted it to Turnitin 5 minutes before the deadline. With that. I'd a lot of homework from Supply Chains and Simulations left to clear and these are really difficult. But it just feels reassuring that these things will eventually be completed and I don't need to waste energy worrying about them!

I've always wondered how it was like to experience something tangible from God and I think this is is considered one. It's humbling that He would make what I need appear at the time when I was suffering and needed it. Father, thank you for everything!

YMPACT Inside Out 2015 Reflections

So many things have happened since my last post, and this whole year. It's really flown by like a bullet train. But instead of trying ...