Friday, June 6, 2014

Summer Meet-Ups & More

Here's just a pretty quick record of what's been happening! I've been meeting up with lots of friends, and last weekend was the YMPACT retreat, which I thoroughly enjoyed, just reading the Word of God, and having fun with my SG girls! Being with them brings some inexplicable joy, despite any added responsibilities I have for them! I'll dedicate the next post to being about the retreat and that!

So during these two weeks, I've met up with Karen for Astons at Changi Airport where she's currently interning at!


And then Abra came for service last Sunday too! His shirt matched the colour of the bulletin!


After which, I went to Tampines to attend the opening ceremony of my cousin's new veterinary clinic! How exciting!

The Veterinary Clinic - Tampines St 44

And lastly, yesterday we celebrated Liangjie's 21st birthday! Cheers to my sis, Liangjie!

Summer's really awesome and I'm flying to Europe for my holiday this Thursday! Unfortunately, that means my free days are ending as I'll be starting work at Frost & Sullivan once I come back from Europe. I think it's going to be rather depressing at first. Oh what have I gotten myself into! Hahaha!

Will update again really soon! Off to Plaza Sing to meet my friends for the long overdue Tim Ho Wan treat.

YMPACT Inside Out 2015 Reflections

So many things have happened since my last post, and this whole year. It's really flown by like a bullet train. But instead of trying ...